
To My Fellow Fertility Warriors,

I can empathize with the emotions you're grappling with, and I want you to know that I'm deeply sorry for the challenges you're facing. This isn't where you envisioned yourself, and the journey seems far tougher than anticipated. The hope of a positive pregnancy test has often been overshadowed by the heartache of seeing a bloodstain on your underwear. It can feel as if everyone around you is expecting except for you, and perhaps even your OB/Gyn doesn't offer much encouragement.

I'm here to listen. I comprehend your fears, and I share in your sadness and frustration. I wish I could offer more than words, and the encouraging news is that I can.

I have a single request for you.

For today, make a choice to believe. Opt to embrace a healthy lifestyle that nourishes not only your body but also your mind and soul. Surround yourself with those who uplift you. Prioritize self-care and engage in activities that bring you joy. Take deep breaths, inhaling hope and exhaling fear.

Believe. Have faith in yourself. Trust in your dreams. Believe in your imminent journey to becoming an incredible mother.

If you're open to a revitalizing and uplifting conversation with me, please reach out. Sometimes, a simple dialogue can be the turning point in your life.


PreNatal Yoga Series [English]


“Calming Cloud” relaxation technique